Once upon a time....

Flash back to 1999, we were a family of four. Happy in our new roomy house and comfortable in our ways. A few years later, the Lord blessed us with an additional little package, little boy #3. Now we were a family of five and sure that would be the end. As time moved on, so did we. The Lord used the time that passed to open our eyes to His will. Several years ago, Bob and I individually heard the call to adoption. It has been a long "pregnancy", but during this incubation time, the Lord has brought us to where He wants us to be. Spring 2010, we traveled to Ethiopia where two little angels were waiting for the Lord's timing - to become our children. Now we are home and can't imagine life any differently! What a blessing to be in His will.

Galatians 4:5 says "God sent Christ to buy freedom for us, who were slaves to the law, so that He could adopt us as his very own children." We are just following his model. A Perfect picture of salvation.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

In Line

We are now officially in the "virtual line". Now we wait.....and wait.....
We joined a YahooGroup for families adopting children from Ethiopia - through the Children's Hope International Agency. We have had a few Godly events in the past few months. We were told our Homeland Security clearance would take as much as 4-6 weeks and it came back in 4 DAYS! We had to order new birth certificates for both Bob and myself. God was good to make sure those came along in good time. We submitted our packet of dossier info on February 5th, 2009 and received our "Approval" within two weeks. On Valentine's Day, 2009, Bob and I had a wonderful lunch at the Blue Nile Cafe in Kansas City. We will go back soon. We are using this time of waiting to pay off cars, and save up the monies to be able to pay for the adoption without debt. It can be done, if we don't get off focus. It seems like our past few months were driven by tasks: papers to sign, info to gather, fingerprinting, checks to write for the home study and fingerprinting....now we don't have a "to do list" and it is like wandering in a desert. It's like a pregnancy without a due date. I think the focus on paying off stuff will help to give us a focus, but it still isn't a date to drive for. I work well on deadlines, but this one doesn't have a date. We applied for a grant through Shoahannah's Hope and received a devotional booklet for our application. It is very inspirational and encouraging. I keep re-reading the entries. We haven't heard yet if we will recieve any grant money, but it has been good to be able to read the devos. I pray that the Lord will grant me patience and contentment in the wait.