Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans...
I had plans of what I thought life was supposed to look like, however, the life I thought I wanted didn't end up being the life that was waiting for me.
Check it out:
Art major -> speech pathologist
Two kids -> FIVE kids
My mom here on earth for a long time -> she died at age 66
Living in Missouri, next to my dad, around the corner from my sister -> living in Colorado, 600 miles away from them
There are more examples... too many to count or type!
So, what's my point? As a believer, my goal is to live a life that brings Him glory. When I get stuck in my own vision, my own expectations and plans, I miss the mark. I have an amazing Good who loves me and looks out for me. HE has great plans for me that are WAY better than I could ever dream. I think from now on, I'll just look toward the horizon and enjoy the life!
Photo: Lars Leber