Once upon a time....

Flash back to 1999, we were a family of four. Happy in our new roomy house and comfortable in our ways. A few years later, the Lord blessed us with an additional little package, little boy #3. Now we were a family of five and sure that would be the end. As time moved on, so did we. The Lord used the time that passed to open our eyes to His will. Several years ago, Bob and I individually heard the call to adoption. It has been a long "pregnancy", but during this incubation time, the Lord has brought us to where He wants us to be. Spring 2010, we traveled to Ethiopia where two little angels were waiting for the Lord's timing - to become our children. Now we are home and can't imagine life any differently! What a blessing to be in His will.

Galatians 4:5 says "God sent Christ to buy freedom for us, who were slaves to the law, so that He could adopt us as his very own children." We are just following his model. A Perfect picture of salvation.

Friday, December 17, 2010

We passed!!!

On November 17, 2009 Ethiopia approved our adoption.  One year, one month, and one day later, the State of Missouri recognized the adoption that had been granted by Ethiopia.  We have come to what some would consider the completion of our adoption.  However, our journey is most definitely just beginning.  Our mission started with a call to obedience.  We clearly heard the call of God to care for the widows and orphans.  For us, that included a trip to Ethiopia.  For others, that may be working with Habitat for Humanity, supporting an orphan overseas, or purchasing a cow or group of animals for a village in a far away country (see World Vision).

The point is when you see a need, what do you do?  Do you just spend time "admiring the problem".  By that I mean, do you sit around talking about how bad the situation is in Haiti, or AIDS is really bad in Africa, or the bad accident that left some kids without a Dad...  The problem is worth looking at, talking about, but not really doing anything about.  Instead of "admiring the problem", why don't you do something about it!?

Sure, we are thrilled to have our "adoption" complete, but our obedience is ongoing.  Lately, in the midst of all of the commercialism that has become "Christmas" in America, the needs of those around us is quite a stark contrast!  How can we even think of buying a camera for $600 dollars when that would buy a cow and a goat!  Those two animals alone would help feed several families in an impoverished country!!!  So, really, it comes down to that.

No, I'm not bah-humbug.  I am totally the opposite.  The real reason for Christmas was that the Christ Child came.  But, not just that he came....he came to serve others.  He lived here on earth - without possessions.  He had no home, no place to lay his head.  He spent his life, a mere 33 years, serving others and pointing them to His Father, God.  Can we do anything less?

I pray that you find what God is calling you to.  And I pray that you have the guts to do it!


1 comment:

  1. LOVE it! It's hard to imagine ... the King of the Universe ... had NO possessions (for us). Nothing more humbling than that. Thanks for the post!


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