Once upon a time....

Flash back to 1999, we were a family of four. Happy in our new roomy house and comfortable in our ways. A few years later, the Lord blessed us with an additional little package, little boy #3. Now we were a family of five and sure that would be the end. As time moved on, so did we. The Lord used the time that passed to open our eyes to His will. Several years ago, Bob and I individually heard the call to adoption. It has been a long "pregnancy", but during this incubation time, the Lord has brought us to where He wants us to be. Spring 2010, we traveled to Ethiopia where two little angels were waiting for the Lord's timing - to become our children. Now we are home and can't imagine life any differently! What a blessing to be in His will.

Galatians 4:5 says "God sent Christ to buy freedom for us, who were slaves to the law, so that He could adopt us as his very own children." We are just following his model. A Perfect picture of salvation.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Levi and the broken leg...

Ok - so I tend to tell the kids "sorry you got hurt, I'm sure you'll be fine".  I mean, you figure it out, if we went to a doctor every time a kid got hurt, we would practically live at the doctor's office.  So, here goes my Mom of the year story --

Last July, yes, I said LAST JULY, Levi slid into second base and said it hurt his leg.  It didn't swell, didn't get bruised, so we told him "I'm sure you'll be fine".  Every 6 weeks or so, he would say, "my foot hurts".  But that was it.  He was running on it, playing feverishly and so we let it go.  Then, this Spring, I saw him running through the yard and he was turning his foot in - pretty bad.  I made the appointment, Bob took him to the orthopedic doctor and sure enough, he broke - or chipped - the leg bone.  He has a (very stinky) cast for three weeks and then he "should be fine".  Just wish I had done this last summer!  Live and learn!

His teacher has even be so kind as to push him in a rolling chair when his leg gets tired of walking!  So nice!

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