Once upon a time....

Flash back to 1999, we were a family of four. Happy in our new roomy house and comfortable in our ways. A few years later, the Lord blessed us with an additional little package, little boy #3. Now we were a family of five and sure that would be the end. As time moved on, so did we. The Lord used the time that passed to open our eyes to His will. Several years ago, Bob and I individually heard the call to adoption. It has been a long "pregnancy", but during this incubation time, the Lord has brought us to where He wants us to be. Spring 2010, we traveled to Ethiopia where two little angels were waiting for the Lord's timing - to become our children. Now we are home and can't imagine life any differently! What a blessing to be in His will.

Galatians 4:5 says "God sent Christ to buy freedom for us, who were slaves to the law, so that He could adopt us as his very own children." We are just following his model. A Perfect picture of salvation.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

His Purpose

With the imminent change of moving....I chose to quit my job as a Speech Pathologist in the Fort Osage School District.  This was graciously accepted by the School Board and I officially became unemployed at the end of the first semester.  This was a difficult decision that we knew would result in the loss of our second income (note:  We had just purchased a second house in Colorado), but it would allow me to focus on being "Mom" and meeting the needs of our five children during this time of transition.  May I also mention that my sanity was in grave danger!  I LOVED my school, my co-workers and especially the students that I worked with.  Little did I know that it would just be the beginning of the painful changes that were to come.  Much to my relief, I was replaced quickly.  A new Speech Pathologist was located and hired.  She is doing well, I am told.  Parts of me miss the "being needed" part of a full-time job.  Other parts of me can't imagine how I managed to keep it together for those two and a half months at which time Bob had moved out to start his job and I was here with the kids - working and holding down the household.  How did I ever get the grocery shopping done?

"Ok - get to the point, woman!" - you may be thinking....

This brings me to the theme proposed in the Title of this post:  His Purpose.  As I mentioned in my previous post, God has been stirring things up a bit and has allowed us to see a bit of what He has planned.  What I had been particularly struggling with was the fact that Bob had found his dream job - rather, his dream company.  He had been eyeing Compassion International for some time.  He had even applied for other positions, but this was the position that the Lord had in mind and this was the timing He had in mind as well.  So, Bob is where he is supposed to be, doing what he is supposed to be doing, and ... we are along for the ride?  I didn't believe that for a minute.  BUT, I did wonder what was in store for us, for me.  I struggled with and prayed about whether or not God wanted me to continue to work as a Speech Pathologist or move on to something else.  Ultimately, I wanted to be where HE wanted me to be and do what HE wanted me to do.

[Enter Noonday Collection]

I was reading the Facebook post of an acquaintance of mine.  A woman I GREATLY admire.  She mentioned a recently formed company called "Noonday Collection".  Through the format of Trunk Shows in people's homes, they sell Fair Trade items made by individuals from all over the world; individuals that are marginalized due to disease or in situations of poverty.  By representing these artists and selling their creations, these individuals can make a modest (very modest) living which in turn allows them to feed their families, get an education for their children, and potentially employ others in their community.  I was hooked!  I immediately began praying, "Lord, is this it?"  It hit all of the high points in my dream job.  I talked to friends about Noonday, I called Bob and told him to start praying that I would have clear direction about this.  I contacted the owner and asked to be considered as an Ambassador for Noonday Collection.  I had talked to so many people about this company and I hadn't even had an interview yet!  My enthusiasm was growing.  I had three people commit to hosting a Trunk Show before I ever formally submitted an application!  Time passes, interviews are held, I am offered the opportunity to become a Noonday Ambassador, I accept, I commit.  To what?  I commit to represent these artists, to tell their story, to educate my community about the oppression of others, to change lives, to follow His direction.

The jury is still out on the Speech thing.  I may continue it on a part time basis, But my heart is Noonday.  My heart is in telling people that God loves them and that they can make a difference.  Check out my website:  http://audrakoning.noondaycollection.com.  God is making a difference in my life and I am paying it forward.  And, if you are so inclined to have a show, contact me.  My info is on the website.  Blessings!

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